Rose Blanche - Newfoundland and Labrador

Route 470
Coordinates: 47.6162° N, 58.7011° W

A short drive from Port aux Basques, at the end of Route 470, small fishing communities cling to the rocky shore and are exposed to the an extremely harsh climate. This entire coast has a long history of death and disaster, with no less than 400 shipwrecks said to be lying at the bottom of the Cabot Strait .

The harbour was first used by French migratory fishermen who fished on the Rose Blanche Bank, just offshore. Rose blanche harbour is on the east side of a small bay and provided good anchorage for fishing vessels close by a narrow peninsula. It is well sheltered by Caines Island and Rose Blanche Point. Rose Blanche is also the birthplace of Cassie Brown, author of Death On The Ice.

Atlantic Canada's only granite lighthouse built in 1873 and restored to its former glory more than 100 years later, has a breathtaking view of the Strait.

Close your eyes; image being at the helm of a ship whipped by gale force winds, weakened by walls of water, and facing impending doom.

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