Interpretation Centre houses interpretive exhibits featuring artifacts
dating from the sixteenth century. Examples of artifacts include
cannonballs, arrow points, padlocks, gold rings, keys, clay pipes,
gravestone, gold spur, pottery, coins, and much more.
The dig consists of seven sites uncovering the remains of the 1621
English Colony settlement under the leadership of Sir George Calvert, who
later became Lord Baltimore. Visitors can actually view archaeologists and
the field crew as they uncover legacies of the past.
Visitors can watch the Conservator piecing shards of artifacts back to
their original form, as well gain full understanding of the process involved
in the conservation and preservation of artifacts.
The Gift Shop is uniquely decorated with old furniture on loan to the
foundation by local residents. The shop carries a wide range of gifts from
local craftspeople as well as replicas of gold rings, seventeenth century
North Devon Pottery-Sgaffito Bowel and seventeenth century dolls.
The 17th century kitchen is a reproduction of a period from the early
17th century, the room contains a working fireplace, authentic doors and
windows, a flagstone floor and other details typical of the era.
Season: Mid May - Mid Oct
Location: The "Pool," Route 10, Ferryland
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 119
Ferryland, NL
A0H 2H0
Telephone: 709-432-3200
Fax: 709-432-2842
Toll Free Telephone: 877-326-5669
Email Address:
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