As I rowed ashore from my schooner close by
A girl on the beach I chanced to espy;
Her hair it was red and her bonnet was blue,
Her place of abode was Harbour LeCou.
O boldly I asked her to walk on the sand
She smiled like an angel and held out her hand
So I buttoned me guernsey and hove way me chew
In the dark rolling waters of Harbour LeCou.
My ship she lay anchored far out on the tide
As I strolled along with the maid at my side
I told her I loved her, she said "I'll be true."
As I winked at the moon over Harbour LeCou.
As we walked on the sands at the close of the day
I thought of my wife who was home in Torbay;
I knew that she's kill me if she only knew
I was courting a lassie in Harbour LeCou.
As we passed a log cabin that stood on the shore
I met an old comrade I'd sailed with before
He treated me kindly, saying "Jack, how are you?
It' seldom I see you in Harbour LeCou."
And as I was parting, this maiden in tow
He broke up my party with one single blow,
Saying "Regards to your missus and wee kiddies two
I remember her well, she's from Harbour Lecou."
I looked at this damsel a standing 'long side
Her jaw it dropped and her mouth opened wide
And then like a she-cat upon me she flew
And I fled from the furies of Harbour LeCou.
Come all you young sailors who walk on the shore
Beware of old comrades you'd sailed with before
Beware of the maiden with bonnet of blue
And the pretty young damsels of Harbour LeCou.
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